Kokomatone is the dynamic musical collaboration of Kodi and Juztone, a duo that came to life in the spirited setting of an open mic jam night. With Juztone at the helm as the host, the two discovered a mutual passion for a wide array of genres, blending their distinct styles into a...
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Nick Mackey is a 25-year-old artist who performs an eclectic mix of Acoustic Rock, Pop & Soul. He’s been playing in & around the Sydney music scene for the past 7 years playing in bands & more recently as a soloist. His flexible style, catering from powerful &...
We are ReVERSE!!!Based on the Gold Coast and consisting of some of South East Queensland’s most talented, professional and dynamic Musicians. We dare to tread where others step lightly. Forget what you know about ROCK covers! #reverseInfluencesBon Jovi Van Halen heart. Hale-storm
By Arrangement with Lucky Entertainment
Multi Dynamic Dj/Producer Twin Brother Duo From Sydney!
By Arrangement with Lucky Entertainment In today’s age where everyone is trying to be a DJ, it does take a certain something to stand out. Sometimes that little something is just pure talent, and an edge to bring something different to the table. This is exactly what Sydney’s Natalie Sax...