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Marcus Hartung

When a solo performer is all you require, Marky  is your man! Versatile, fun and energetic, Marky will entertain your party or venue with a diverse repertoire that can be chilled or banging. No backing tracks here, just great chat, brilliant vocals, a stomp pedal (when needed) and...

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No Right Turn

NO RIGHT TURN takes on and conquer some of the most sought after game in the covers jungle. Combining their tasty three-part harmonies and a hard-hitting, energetic rhythm section, this band deliver with choice repertoire spanning the 80’s, 90’s, 00’s and now.These guys have done the hard...

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The Radiators

The rock ‘n’ roll road to stardom is a dangerous road indeed littered with the corpses of starry eyed hopefuls, wannabes, one hit wonders and jaded “if onlys”…while many bands self-implode before they even leave the garage, victims of classic clashing egos and personalities. Few survive...

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Lyndel Gayle

LYNDEL GAYLE, prodigiously talented and oozing stage charisma, brings her lifetime of stage and televisionexperience to deliver a piano/vocal performance to suit any venue or event.She has a classically trained diploma of music in pianoforte and adds her vocal talents to perform all the...

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Poco Loco

Poco Loco is made up of two world-class musicians offering a quality full and classy sound. With a combined experience of 50 years they have been performing together for over 12 years, their repertoire offers both variety and flexibility performing many styles and well-known songs of the...

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